That’s why it’s always a pleasure to download a game, boot it up, and start playing in less than two minutes.

The PS4 is home to a lot of console shattering games, sure to clog up the old hard drive and slow down the engine. One of the things that’s always impressive is just how much they can fit in such a small file size. Updated January 8th, 2021 by Riley Kane: Strong indies haven't always been contenders in the video game scene, but in recent years, serious charisma has seeped into every aspect of their design, pumping out some of the most amazing projects we’ve seen. Here are some PS4 games that won't mandate a storage space sacrifice. In fact, some take up less space than the average save file. That said, not all games require players to pre-emptively wipe their hard drives. RELATED: 10 of the Best Indie Games Of All Time

It's gotten to the point at which most console gamers have to fork over some extra cash for an external HDD. Must-have AAA titles regularly demand in excess of 100GB of storage space, and that's not to mention subsequent patches or DLC releases. Games may be increasing in terms of complexity and visual fidelity, but all that improvement comes at a major cost: download size.